Solar Tracker Industry Components that Need Steel or Aluminum

2024-07-10T17:09:30+00:00June 8th, 2024|News Blog, NMC Media|

Your solar farm is now operational, with gleaming rows of panels basking in sunlight. But are you maximizing your investment? The secret lies in the robust solar tracking industry components that keep your solar trackers moving smoothly and efficiently while withstanding the constant battle — relentless sun, harsh weather, and the pressure to maximize your energy output.


But which material should you choose? Steel or aluminum? Each offers unique advantages, and the wrong choice can impact your tracker’s performance and lifespan. Selecting the appropriate material can seem like a daunting task. As a leader in steel processing and supply-chain management, National Material Company will help you choose the best material for specific components, ensuring your trackers operate flawlessly for years and your solar farm achieves peak performance.

What are Solar Trackers and Why Do We Need Them?

Envision a world where your solar panels could constantly face the sun, soaking up every last ray of energy. That’s the power of solar trackers – these innovative systems are like tiny robotic assistants for your solar facility, constantly adjusting the angle of your panels to maximize sunlight exposure throughout the day.

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But why is this constant adjustment so crucial? The more directly sunlight hits a surface, the more heat it absorbs. So, the angle of sunlight directly impacts how much power your panels generate. A panel facing the sun head-on captures the most energy, while tilted panels see a decrease in output.


Solar trackers ensure your panels are always basking in the most optimal light by constantly tracking the sun’s movement across the sky, east to west. Research indicates this can substantially increase power generation, with up to 30-40% more energy produced than stationary panels. This translates to a more productive solar farm and a bigger return on your investment.

How Does Steel for Solar Tracker Manufacturing Help Us?

  1. Champion against corrosion. Unlike some materials that succumb to rust and leave unsightly stains, galvanized steel stays strong and keeps your installation looking sharp. The zinc coating acts like a shield, preventing rust and ensuring your investment thrives for years to come.
  2. Durability against harsh conditions. Solar panels often face harsh conditions, from scorching sun to fierce weather. The zinc coating in galvanized steel is like a protector’s UV shield, standing strong against the sun’s harmful rays. This resilience makes it perfect for withstanding the elements, whether your solar farm basks in a desert or endures hurricane-force winds.
  3. Great conductor of heat. This might sound surprising, but it’s a hidden benefit of solar power. By allowing heat to flow freely through the solar panel mounting […]