9 12, 2018

National Material Partner Taber Extrusions Shaping the Future of Aluminum Extrusions

2018-12-30T21:58:45+00:00December 9th, 2018|News Blog, NMC Media|

National Material L.P. and its metal service centers have a long history of quality and service dating back to 1964. Since its founding, N.M.L.P. has grown to over 30 business units and is now one of the largest suppliers of steel in America. The National Material group of industrial businesses consists of the Steel Group, Stainless and Alloys Group, Raw Material Trading Group, Aluminum Group, and Related Operations. Today, we tip our hat to Taber Extrusions, as we recognize this aluminum extrusion company for their expanded capabilities and flawless teamwork.

Taber Extrusions, located in Russellville, Arkansas is a highly regarded full-service provider of aluminum extrusions to a wide variety of industries including aerospace, transportation, defense, and thermal management. Taber has completed the relocation and start-up of the recently acquired micro-extrusion press lines. ISO 9001 and AS9100 certified, Taber’s present and future customers can expect to see increased supply opportunities with the expanded set of extrusion solutions, programs, and services.

“It’s about having all the different capabilities we can to meet the extrusion end users growing needs,” states Jason Weber, Taber Extrusions Vice President of Sales and Marketing, in a recent article by Light Metal Age Magazine. “One of the taglines we use is ‘Shaping Endless Possibilities.’ With the extensive variety of extruded shapes Taber produces—from micro-extrusions to wide profiles and everything in between—Taber embodies that message.”

Taber Extrusion’s Gulfport casthouse in background with artistic overlay showing various sized billets.

This couldn’t be more true as Taber also announces the planned addition of 7” billet molds to Taber’s existing extrusion billet casting facility in Gulfport, MS. Taber’s addition of the 7” molds further enhances Taber’s existing offering of extruded aluminum billet products to Taber’s newly refurbished Gulfport Casthouse. 7” extrusion log will be available for delivery beginning in January 2019.

The addition of the 7” molds complements the existing 8”, 9”, 11”, 16”, and 20” diameter molds. The various diameters of extrusion billet will be available in 6063 and 6061 alloy chemistries as well as specialized chemistries upon request. “Taber is excited to offer extrusion logs to our fellow extruders,” adds Weber. The Gulfport Casthouse is uniquely situated with port access as well as easy access to industrial scrap. These input factors coupled with the recently refurbished casting equipment with the LARS® in-line degassing and purification system supplies billet chemistries and consistencies which rival those of larger billet producers.

If you have any questions please visit taberextrusions.com or contact one of Taber’s Regional Sales Managers.

Follow Taber Extrusions
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TWITTER: https://twitter.com/taberextrusions

Looking for a partner as strong as you are?

Founded in 1964, National Material Company L.P. offers 50+ years of leadership in supplying, processing and servicing the metal manufacturing needs of diverse industries. With processing facilities and service centers in the U.S. and Mexico, NMC is strategically located to deliver its substantial capabilities.

25 11, 2018

The Life Cycle of an Ultra High-Strength Steel

2019-09-12T20:09:19+00:00November 25th, 2018|News Blog, NMC Media|

Hot molten metal being poured into long, thin cast.

In recent years, the automotive industry has benefited greatly from the integration of advanced high-strength steels (AHSS).

Each step of the manufacturing process of a new advanced high-strength steel, the different configurations of chemical composition, and achievable microstructures, is a result of a closely controlled heating and cooling process. During these processes, several strengthening mechanisms are employed to achieve different levels of strength, fatigue tolerances, and toughness.

Among the advanced high-strength steel family are Dual Phase (DP), Complex Phase (CP), Transformation-Induced Plasticity (TRIP), Martensitic (MS), and Ferritic-Bainitic (FB). They are all produced by controlling the chemistry and cooling rate in the austenite-ferrite phase during the hot rolled phase or in the annealing furnace.

But, what are the steps that are taken to create each of these materials? What are all the factors that metallurgists are searching for when they undertake such a task?

Here’s a checklist:

Designed for mass production

The driving force behind creating any variant of AHSS is to produce it on a mass scale. Therefore, starting from day one, full-scale processing concerns are addressed in the design. Different compositions are simulated and tested to achieve the most optimal composition.


The materials’ forgeability refers to the total fatigue, fracturing toughness, and tensile strength tolerances of the steel alloy.


Tests are rendered on the material to observe its boring, tapping, milling, threading, drilling, and turning capabilities. Everything is tested, from the optimal insert and cutting tool configurations to the best feed speed.

Heat treatment

The material will be tested for the mechanical differences between their annealed and hardened states.

Combination of properties

There are an incredible amount of possible alloying compositions using elements such as cobalt, nickel, manganese, copper, carbon, chromium, and more. Rigorous testing is done on the different alloy compositions to achieve the optimal desired properties.

3D rendered image of an automotive frame on a gold background with National Material's


What’s the key factor in any structure material? Its functional strength. The ultimate tensile strength (UTS) is the most important aspect of weight-limiting designs, so this property is the among the most crucial in the creation of new AHSS steels.

Fracture toughness

Another important element of the steel is its fracture toughness. This measures the materials’ ability to resist fracturing under stress.

Yield strength

As opposed to fracture toughness, yield strength refers to the point at which the fibers of the material begin to break down, and its form becomes plastic, instead of elastic. A higher yield strength will allow part designs to endure more stress before becoming disfigured.


Once the material is created and tested for mass production, it begins its life as it is machined into a useable part for the automotive industry. What happens as it’s made, put out into the world, and comes to the end of its life cycle?

Efficient steel production

Though AHSS is, at the moment, more expensive overall to produce than traditional steel grades, it […]

8 11, 2018

Pre-Painted Steel by NMC Partner Interstate Steel Company

2018-11-09T16:25:35+00:00November 8th, 2018|News Blog, NMC Media|

National Material Company is proud to be a partner with Interstate Steel company, a leader in providing steel services and highly engineered, pre-painted steel products. ISC provides a variety of processes including slitting, blanking, pickling and oiling, hot dipped galvanized steel, configured blanking and cut-to-length.

What is pre-painted steel?

Pre-painted steel is manufactured through a continuous coating process that utilizes cleaning, pretreating, painting, and curing in coil form. Typically painted with two-coat paint systems, the coils receive a primer and a finish color coating on the side meant for exterior exposure and the reverse side receives a primer and topcoat. This system creates very uniform, aesthetically pleasing steel.

There are many options when it comes to pre-painted steel and they can vary in:

  • Metallic coating thickness
  • Types of top-coatings (polyesters, acrylics, silicone-polyesters, etc.)
  • Color
  • Treatments and primers

Pre-painted steel is typically used when the appearance of the steel matters and the steel is meant for long lasting durability. For example, primer coats can help prevent undercutting of paint and make the steel corrosion resistant.

Interstate Steel Company pre-painted steel and services

ISC has had decades of experience and knowledge in painting systems for steel, coil coating, and painted end use applications. They are well known as a leader in pre-painted steel and their expertise shows when NMC conducts business with them.

Some of the many benefits we’ve found in working with ISC is their:

  • ISO-certified quality system
  • In-line shape enhancement
  • In-house metallurgy and testing lab
  • Customized inventory program
  • High-quality parts
  • Environmental consciousness
  • Speedy processing and delivery

Together, National Material Company and Interstate Steel Company try to provide the most reliable, long-lasting steel in the industry and by working together, believe we can go above and beyond our customers’ requirements. Whether you are looking for pre-painted steel or one of our many other steel offerings, if you believe your company can benefit from our services, please visit us at https://www.nationalmaterial.com/ or call (U.S.) 847-806-7200 to discuss how we can be of service.

About National Material L.P. – Since its founding in 1964, National Material Limited Partnership has grown to over 30 business units and is now one of the largest suppliers of steel in America. The National Material group of industrial businesses consists of the Steel Group, Stainless and Alloys Group, Raw Material Trading Group, Aluminum Group, and Related Operations.

17 10, 2018

Steel Service Center Spotlight: National Blanking

2020-04-01T21:13:37+00:00October 17th, 2018|News Blog, NMC Media|

National Blanking steel service center is a joint venture between National Material Company and Heidtman Steel Products which have enjoyed the synergy of working together for decades to provide quality products to their customers. Partnering to offer customers first operational blanks, including a strong expertise in high-strength low alloy steels, and Advanced High-Strength Steel.

Originally built in 1959 as Toledo Pickling and Steel Service, the facility operated a batch pickler, numerous slitters, and level lines. Toledo Pickling grew rapidly and outpaced the building, resulting in the purchase of another facility down the road where the first blanking press was installed. Incorporated as Toledo Blank Inc. (TBI) in 1974,  the company cultivated a reputation as one of the foremost blankers in the country. TBI’s excellence in blanking continued with its new ownership when New Technology Steel acquired the business in 2003.

That tradition followed and prospered under Heidtman Steel with their acquisition of the facility in 2009. In December 2016, Heidtman and National Material Company grew its partnership with the genesis of the joint venture National Blanking LLC. The newly-structured JV allows National Blanking the opportunity to leverage new resources, to tap a larger, more diversified sales force, and to chart a new course for profitable growth.

“What sets National Blanking apart from our competition is our customer-centric commitment to excellence.  We understand our customers’ gold standards in regards to quality, service, and on-time delivery. Every employee strives to exceed those expectations every single day,” says Matt McCaffrey, General Manager of National Blanking and 15-year employee. “My favorite part of working at National Blanking is our people. Most of our staff have been with us for more than a decade which has helped cultivate a true sense of family in our work environment.  I couldn’t ask for a better team to work with.”

National Blanking offers a broad range of blanking and steel services covering a wide scope of industries. The facility supports press sizes up to 1200 tons with bed sizes up to 84” x 120”, coils up to 55,500 lbs. and 72” wide, with a gauge range of .020 – .500. Other capabilities include circle blanking utilizing multi-cavity tooling with an expansive selection of diameter components that allow the retrofitting of existing tooling to provide low cost solutions for our customers. Our on-site die shop supports flexible value-added services including blank-through, compound, and progressive blanking.

National Blanking serves the following industries: Tanks & Pressure vessels, Agriculture, Appliance, Automotive, Construction, Drums/Containers, Energy, Filters, Furniture, Heavy Equipment, Heavy Truck, HVAC, Lighting, and more. Steel products made at National Blanking are used in wheels, hot water heaters, compressors, trucks and trailers, and medical equipment.

“We strive to build a culture of employee empowerment. We focus on giving our employees not only the training and skills to perform their jobs, but the opportunity and encouragement to engage in all processes and future opportunities for our company,” McCaffrey continues, “the sky is the limit for us. With our knowledge and experience in the industry, we strive to continue our commitment […]

3 10, 2018

Industries Utilizing Galvanized Steel

2019-10-16T16:17:24+00:00October 3rd, 2018|News Blog, NMC Media|

Galvanized steel is one of the most popular and useful steels because of its , durability and ability to be applicable to a variety of projects. It can be a good match for many industries including agriculture, solar, automotive, construction, and many more. We will provide a detailed description of how galvanized steel is processed, its benefits, and how it is used in these various industries.

What is galvanized steel? What is the process?

Galvanized steel is a type of steel in which an application of protective zinc coating is applied to prevent rusting. Galvanization, the process used to apply the zinc, is done through hot-dipped galvanizing.

The steps in the galvanizing process are as follows:

  1. Clean the steel in a degreasing solution
  2. Pickle the steel in diluted hot sulfuric acid
  3. Flux the steel in an aqueous solution (typically zinc-ammonium chloride)
  4. Immerse the steel in a vat of molten zinc
  5. Inspect the steel for consistency and a complete coating

What industries utilize galvanized steel?

  • Wind & solar industries – Solar projects must have a continuous workflow once installed and any repairs/maintenance results in disruption to service (a.k.a. revenue loss). This means that hot dipped galvanized steels are popular in solar projects for their corrosion protection. It is also popular for its ‘environmental’ friendliness because it does not produce emissions and ensures decades without maintenance.
  • Agriculture- Galvanized steel is often utilized in the agriculture industry because of equipment is susceptible to being easily corroded, creating a demand for tougher, resilient equipment. Hot-dip galvanized steel provides corrosion protection that can often last for decades, even when exposed to the harsh environment of farming
  • Automotive industry – Though only used on luxury models up until the 1980s, the use of zinc-coated bodies for automobiles is now the norm in auto manufacturing. The ‘body-in-white’ of a car makes up about 80% of the body, all using galvanized steel. The rust resistance of galvanized steel is also a good marketing tool for the automotive industry because they can provide ‘anti-rust warranties’ to customers.
  • Construction industry – Whether for residential or commercial, the durability of galvanized steel has made it popular for over a century in the construction industry. It is also selected for construction because of its aesthetics; the ‘shine’ that galvanized steel provides gives it a contemporary feel and is popular in modern architecture designs. Also, it isn’t just used for large structural pieces but things like fencing, gutters, rails, tubing, poles, and much more.
  • Telecommunication industry – Phone lines are not an easy maintenance job, they are tall and often difficult to reach. Hot-galvanized steel can be used on phone wiring and equipment boxes which decreases the risk of damage and need for maintenance at all.

Benefits of galvanized steel

There is a reason so many different industries utilize galvanized steel. It has a plethora of benefits, all of which these industries take advantage. The benefits include:

  • Low initial cost as compared to most other treated steels.
  • Lower maintenance costs than most other coated steels (saves […]
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