12 10, 2023

Solar Tracker Manufacturer Spotlight: The Growing Solar Tracker Industry

2023-10-12T16:25:59+00:00October 12th, 2023|News Blog|

The Sun is one of the many powerful forces in our universe and an abundant source of energy. It also nourishes a variety of ecosystems through photosynthesis, while the heat it gives acts as a thermostat for our planet.

Throughout Earth’s history, mankind has found a way to harness the sun’s power to shape our lives. In 212 BC, it was believed that Archimedes, an ancient Greek mathematician, physicist, astronomer, and inventor came up with the infamous Archimedes’ heat ray. He purported to have devised a weapon that focuses the sun’s ray and burns attacking Roman ships during the Siege of Syracuse. Fast forward to today and we see vast fields of solar farms that provide renewable energy.

In today’s blog, we’ll survey the rise of solar trackers and the industry around it. we’ll also explore National Material Company’s (NMC) role in helping solar tracker manufacturers continue their valuable contribution to green energy.

A Brief Description: What is a Solar Tracker?

The principle behind a solar tracker is to maximize the efficiency of solar energy capture. This is done by orienting solar panels or mirrors to follow the sun’s path throughout the day. As we all know, the sun moves as the earth rotates on its axis resulting in movement from east to west. Meanwhile, the Earth’s axial tilt results in the sun’s position changing with the seasons — moving it from north to south.

Two Main Types of Solar Trackers

There are two main types of solar trackers: single-axis and dual-axis. Single-axis trackers move the solar panels or mirrors either in a north-south direction (azimuth) or east-west direction (elevation). Dual-axis trackers, as the name suggests, can move in both directions, allowing for more precise solar tracking.

The main goal is to keep the solar modules perpendicular to the incoming sunlight. This ensures that they receive the maximum amount of solar radiation possible. Ultimately, it increases the overall efficiency and output of solar power generation.

Now that we know how it works, what is the steel industry’s role in this orchestra of power generation?

How Steel Plays a Role in Green Energy

Steel’s many properties make it the go-to material for solar tracker manufacturers. The majority of a tracker’s parts (axes, frames, racks, support poles, and mounts – among others) are made of steel.  However, it’s imperative to choose the right kind of steel. Exposure to corrosive elements means an increase in maintenance charge as these systems are not set-and-forget products.

With the right steel alloy, the lifespan for solar tracking equipment can be up to 25 years. To reach optimal years of service, solar tracker manufacturers must consider the great significance of choosing the right steel. In doing so, they will reduce maintenance labor and overall cost. Another consideration, they need an excellent supply chain provider for their systems.

The Power of Galvanized Steel

The most widely used alloy by the solar energy industry today is galvanized steel. This is […]

14 03, 2022

Metals Processing: Advantages of Cold Rolled Steel

2022-08-05T16:30:32+00:00March 14th, 2022|News Blog|

There are many steps required in metal processing in order to achieve a high-quality product. American steel processor, National Material Company (NMC), believes there can be no exception to this rule. Steel is an alloy that is a mixture of both iron and carbon and it is durable, sustainable, and highly desired by many industries. Formal specifications and different grades of steel can affect the performance and use of the metal, but there are additional techniques within the metals’ processing that can alter the strength and finish. In this article, we will focus on one technique known as cold rolling.

Engineers and designers alike must decide on the type of metal they will need to begin work on their projects. Cold rolled steel for many reasons might be the ideal metal. “Cold rolled” refers to the process the steel undergoes before becoming the final product. The temperature is not what we may consider “cold.” Instead, the entire process occurs at room temperature and involves applying great pressure to the steel. However, this does not mean cold rolled steel never experiences its recrystallization temperature. In fact, cold rolled steel endures extreme temperatures and compression rollers just like hot rolled steel. Cold rolled steel simply undergoes more processes once it has cooled down to get exact dimensions and better surface qualities. In many cases, steel may undergo processes like rolling, turning, grinding, and polishing. Each one gives the steel a unique finish.

There are many advantages of cold rolled steel, such as increased strength. (Read about Advanced High Strength Steel, or “AHSS” here.) The compression of the steel at room temperature hardens the strain, giving the metal significant strength when compared to other types of steel. That being said, the steel is not needlessly thick to create this strength. Cold rolling allows for tighter tolerances not found within other steel manufacturing. In other words, the metal will have thinner walls without sacrificing integrity.

One of cold rolled steel’s most desirable aspects is its aesthetics. The cold rolling process enables metal processors like National Material Company to improve the surface finish. It leaves a smooth surface with few imperfections that are ideal if a project requires visual appeal. An excellent surface is great not just for its beauty, however. Cold rolled steel is used in the construction of bridges due to fewer visible surface flaws.

Additionally, cold rolled steel is ideal for projects that require more precision and need to be durable. Bars created with this technique have well-refined edges, and tubes are very straight with excellent concentric uniformity.

Cold rolled steel can be found across many industries today. It is used in parts for home appliances, roof and wall systems, metal furniture, aerospace structural members, and a wide scope of applications too numerous to list. Despite the many steps within the cold rolling process, cold rolled steel has a short manufacturing time and can be delivered promptly so customers can begin work on their projects quickly.

National Material Company […]

24 06, 2021

The Slitting Line and Steel Slitting Process Explained

2025-02-25T16:36:20+00:00June 24th, 2021|News Blog, NMC Media|

Need precision-cut, high-quality steel slitting for your next project?  

Steel is an alloy of iron that is mixed with carbon which improves its strength and durability. Combine these properties with its low cost and you have a perfectly-suited alloy for a multitude of uses in various end applications, including (but not limited to) automotive, infrastructure, and appliance/HVAC.

Enter the role of steel processors. Steel processing companies like National Material Company provide manufacturers with the right steel material for their industry. This article will focus on the topic of steel slitting and how the slitting process works.

Steel slitting is a steel manufacturing process wherein a coil of steel is slit into the lengths and widths specified by the end application. This process requires machinery lines equipped with a decoiler, slitter, and a recoiler — to achieve the end product: slit steel coils, or “mults.”


An operator will feed the steel coil onto the uncoiler mandrel. The uncoiler unwinds the master coil, feeding it into the slitter head where the steel will be slit into narrow mults (strips) by rotary knives. The operator then inspects the individual mults to ensure the gauge width and edge condition meet required specifications. The mults will then travel through a looping pit to insure stress-free and camber-free recoiling of the slit material. Individual mults are then banded and packaged to specific customer requirements.

This process requires careful precision. Leading steel processing company NMC operates several steel service centers in the United States and Mexico using robust precision slitting machines equipped with advanced technology in software, tooling practices, and hardware. This helps National Material Company streamline their production and reduces their time to delivery. NMC thoroughly checks their equipment for alignment and regularly calibrates their machine line to help reduce scrap and overall cost.


National Material Company spent decades perfecting the art of steel processing to provide only the best to their clients, earning their position as a top steel processor. NMC guarantees top tier quality for all of your steel supply needs, and they also offer a wide variety of steel processing capabilities.


About National Material L.P. – National Material L.P. (NMLP) has been in the steel service industry since 1964. Operating 16 steel service centers and processing facilities across the United States, Canada, and Mexico makes them one of the largest independent steel service centers in North America. For more information about National Material L.P, visit www.nmlp.com

To find out more information about NMC’s products and services, please visit us at www.nationalmaterial.com or call (U.S.) 847-806-7200 to speak with a sales representative.

Enhance Your Projects with Expert Steel Processing Solutions

Request a quote today and experience industry-leading steel processing tailored to your specifications.

Contact us today to […]

31 03, 2021

Demand For Steel Processing Grows in 2021

2021-03-31T18:34:29+00:00March 31st, 2021|News Blog|


Leading steel processor National Material Company, like the rest of the steel industry, is watching carefully as steel demand recovers in 2021. As the coronavirus pandemic affected all areas of the global economy, 2020 was a year like no other, and we are grateful for the cautious hope the new year brings.

As supply chains continue to stabilize, shipments of raw materials from other countries and manufacturing of parts has resumed. The World Steel Association says it expects steel demand to recover in 2021 to 1,717 million metric tons, an increase of 3.8 percent compared with 2020. The recovery of steel demand will be more visible in the second half of 2021, World Steel predicts, and will be driven by construction, especially infrastructure investment, as the government has put forward several new infrastructure initiatives.

What does this mean for American steel processors? According to a recent article in The Wall Street Journal, steelmakers idled about one-third of domestic production capacity for flat-rolled steel last spring when their customers canceled orders and closed plants to slow the spread of the new coronavirus. Since many factories reopened a month or two later, steel demand for cars, appliances, and machinery has rebounded, thanks, in part, to rising purchases from homebound consumers.

  • From Nasdaq:

American steel stocks have seen recent gains on hopes that the sizable infrastructure spending would have a beneficial effect on the U.S. steel industry given the expected increase in consumption of the commodity that is used to make almost everything from rail tracks to roads to bridges and tunnels.

Steel makers are seeing strong order booking in automotive. Recovery in the automotive industry has accelerated following pandemic-led shutdowns on the back of strong customer demand. The automotive rebound is driving demand for flat steel products globally.

Moreover, the revival in the construction sector globally is driving demand for long and flat steel products in this major market. The construction sector has also bounced back on the heels of a resumption of projects that were stalled earlier due to supply chain disruptions and manpower shortage. In particular, the non-residential construction market remains resilient (read full article here).

Response to adversity is what will determine the outcome of the story. Historically, the American steel industry is as resilient as it gets, built on a foundation that literally supports our entire country’s infrastructure.

As OEMs and large companies that utilize steel processing services take another step forward into 2021, they may be wise to ask themselves, “Are there strategic partnerships that will strengthen competitive positioning and business resiliency?” After all, in the steel industry, great end products await at the end of the rainbow.

Alt tag: A warehouse with 2 rows of

Why National Material Company?

As a leader in steel processing capabilities, supply chain management, and inventory control, NMC is the perfect choice for any customer in search of the best experience possible. A dedicated workforce, state-of-the-art slitters, cut-to-length lines, and warehouse storage capabilities make NMC the premiere steel manufacturing company in North America. Locations throughout the United States and […]

8 02, 2021

Steel’s Versatility: Why the Steel Industry Stands the Test of Time

2021-02-08T20:20:57+00:00February 8th, 2021|News Blog|

Steel’s broad applicability has made it the world’s sweetheart. It’s a stalwart in everything from modern décor, to structural elements, to specialty parts in aerospace, automotive, shipbuilding, military, and infrastructure industries. Even landmarks such as the Golden Gate Bridge and the Gateway Arch shine bright with steel produced by the American steel service industry.

Futurists, such as Elon Musk, have called steel “the best decision they have ever made.” The ancient general Alexander called strong enemies “walls of steel.” All this praise speaks to steel’s remarkable characteristics. In this blog, we will focus our attention specifically on steel’s versatility.

Steel can be used in a broad swath of temperature ranges

  • Highs

High-temperature grades of stainless steel can be used in temperatures up to 2100° F. This allows them to be used in furnaces, ovens, boilers, valves, and pipes. This also makes them ideal in the aerospace industry.

  • Lows

In low temperatures, many steel grades tend to become brittle after a certain threshold. A case in point was the steel hull of the Titanic which suffered brittle fracture in the steel bolts.  However, modern steel grades have vastly improved on their low temperature range with cryogenic steels that show 100 Joules of toughness at -196 degrees Celsius.

In low temperatures, many steel grades tend to become brittle after a certain threshold. A case in point was the steel hull of the Titanic which suffered brittle fracture in the steel bolts.  However, modern steel grades have vastly improved on their low temperature range with cryogenic steels that show 100 Joules of toughness at -196 degrees Celsius.

Steel: perfect for exposure to chemicals and the elements

  • Hygiene

Stainless steel’s resistance to corrosion allows it to withstand many chemical cleaners. This makes it an ideal surface for many industries that require high levels of hygiene, especially in such applications as kitchens and chemistry labs.

  • Longevity

The Chrysler building’s stainless-steel roof, a pinnacle of Art Deco architecture, has only been cleaned three times since its construction in 1930! This is a strong flex on steel’s longevity and anti-corrosion properties that can resist the most damaging natural elements.

The average life of a steel product? 40 years.

Innovation and Specialization

The secret to steel’s versatility is the process of constant improvement since its discovery more than 4,000 years ago. With so much research, it’s no wonder that steel is such a specialized metal with an intricate grading system to categorize every form of steel.

  • Specialization

Whatever the job, there is a steel grade for it. Different techniques cause variances in ductility, toughness, machinability, and ability to be welded.

According to the World Steel Association, there are more than 3,500 grades of steel, each with its own unique properties. This includes the grades known as advanced high strength steels.

  • Innovation

When Hittites were creating steel 3,000 years ago, they probably created it by accident when the carbon from their furnaces mixed with iron. Since then, metalworkers have not only perfected the creation of different steel […]

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